Location: Germany

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Well, well, look who's starting a blog!

When R was talking to me about the benefits of moving to Munich, he said "look, within a 4hr drive you will be in countries like Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Czech Republic." Good move R, in our marriage of 3 years you have definitely figured out that I am a sucker for travel :-). I replied, "In that case, I will move to Munich if you take me to a different country every weekend."

Here in Munich, he has definitely kept his word! These last two weekends we were in Austria, visiting Vienna, Salzburg and the environs. These trips have been like teasers making me wanna soak in the spectacular scenery these lands seem to be been blessed with. I decided to start a blog not necessarily for public viewing but more as a repository of our travel and to remember the feelings and the thoughts these trips evoke in me.

Soon, yaathri


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